Thursday, October 4, 2012

Let Them Know

Sometimes it is really easy to take the people we love for granted, whether it be friend or family member. A few days ago, a friend of mine that I have been friends with for quite a while, out of the blue, told me that they really appreciated me because I accept them for who they are.  Let me tell you, it was an amazing feeling to know that I was appreciated it and that I had an impact on their life.  Not that I didn't already know that my friend appreciated me, but sometimes, it is just really nice to hear it as well.

That is my challenge to anyone that may be reading this today.  I hope I have some readers, anyway.  :)

Tell someone that you love how much you appreciate them.  Tell them that you love them, and that you are glad that they are in your life.  Don't just say it out of habit. Don't say it because maybe they said it to you first, also out of habit.  Really mean it.  Be original.  Say more than "I love you" or "I appreciate you."  Tell them WHY.  Tell them what it is you love about them and why you appreciate them, and why you are thankful that they are in your life.

Not only could you make their day, I bet it will also make your day as well.

Also, if you are a reader, I'd love it if you posted a comment just to let me know you are reading.  It'll make my day.

That is all.


  1. This is something I've been thinking about lately... the places and times I've felt close, connected, and part of the community have been when people would tell others what they liked and appreciated about them. My church in Omaha, when we went on mission trips, we'd each write an "encouragement" note to every other person on the team. It was really amazing. People don't usually share their hearts like that. It's one of about 2 things that I see that are different from the times I've experienced that "real, connected family fellowship" and times I haven't.

    In fact, a lot of the time, you're more likely to hear that you should be getting all of your encouragement from God and not want encouragement from others. Which makes it incredibly difficult to receive encouragement from others. "No, no, no... I'm not supposed to accept that from you. I'm only supposed to get it from God." Oy!

  2. See, that's really sad. There are many examples in the Bible of people encouraging others. In fact, if we are to live our lives as a model after how Jesus lived His, than we are definitely supposed to encourage others. But other great examples...look at Paul. He constantly encouraged others. Yeah...don't let anyone tell you that we are only supposed to get encouragement from God. Instead, look at it this way...God often uses others to speak to us. So perhaps when we are getting encouragement from others, it's coming from God because He placed it on their hearts to encourage us. Does that make sense?

  3. Great post, Gregg! I agree with what you said--we don't genuinely share what's on our heart enough. Very seldom is it that "I love you" is a habit for me, but I don't think many people realize how much it is for them. We need to take a step back and realize what we're saying and what it actually means to love someone.
