Friday, November 9, 2012

A Fluffy Post

Since I am doing talking about the songs on RE:boot, I thought I would share some ideas about the next Midiboy project coming down the pipes.  I am hoping there won't be as long of a wait for the next project as there was between Rejuvenate and RE:boot.

First, my goal is to get the one:nine album out before I work full force on the next Midiboy project, but we'll see how that goes.  Most of the songs are written, they just need polished and perhaps some new vocals or vocalists.

Anyway, back to the next Midiboy project...

I am planning on calling the album, "Fluffy."

I envision the artwork to be as such...

A Las Vegas like downtown strip.  You might see people in the shadows doing drugs, or perhaps a few prostitutes on the side of the street, maybe one leaning into a car. You'll see casino signs.  You'll see shops with Adult neon signs.  I want it to be shocking, without being sexually explicit though.

In the middle of the road, being ignored by everyone except perhaps a little kid that is looking upon it with wonder...will be a pure white lamb.  While the rest of the picture will have a darkness over it, the lamb will almost be in a spotlight, cast from an unseen source from above, yet for the most part, nobody sees it.

See where I'm going with this?

Perhaps in the background on the horizon, we'll see a hillside with three crosses on it as well. I haven't decided on that yet.

The word Fluffy will be written across the top in letters made out of thorns with blood dripping from them. Perhaps written in small print within one of the arms of the "F" will be "Jn 1:36"  (Look it up)

What do you think?  Any artists out there up for the challenge?

So...why call it Fluffy?  That's such a ... silly name.

The inspiration came from our pastor's last sermon that really struck me.  Imagine being a little boy back in the days before Jesus. Imagine raising a lamb up.  It's become a pet to you.  Then you turn 12 years old, and your dad tells you that it's time to go somewhere...and make sure you bring Fluffy.  You just love Fluffy so much and are horrified...devastated that Fluffy has to give up his life as a sacrifice for your sins.

Today...we take it for granted that the true Lamb of God gave up His life for our sins.

So, the song Fluffy will be about that.  Calling this album Fluffy may make you smile, or even giggle to yourself, but the seriousness of it is very real.

That's all.

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