Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Under Fire

Well, a friend of mine inspired me to start blogging again. I used to do this all the time on xanga. Remember that?  My site is still there, but i haven't updated t a long time. Google did a better job, in fact, i think they have a leg up on Wordpress as well. I am going to use this blog to share my thoughts. I will continue to post my music related things or smaller things on Facebook.

I hope I can get some followers. If you have a blogger site, let me know, and I'll add yours to my list of blogs to follow as well.

I think the first thing I want to talk about is something that has really been bothering me for about a week now. I became a Christian when I was 10, but didn't discover contemporary Christian music for myself until I was around 15 or so, being taught that is was evil. Worldly. Etc. You likely know the drill.

My parents were against it, our pastors, Sunday school teachers, you name it. Evil, Worldly, Lustful music. Yessiree.

Then I discovered Michael W. Smith. Don't laugh. He was amazing back in the day. I loved his project album. Then I attended a Geoff Moore / Whiteheart concert and I was hooked. They sang and spoke with such conviction. I could just tell they were the real deal, so to speak. I prayed about this a lot, and have, I believe with God's guidance, come to realize that it's not the music that's in question...(can you finish the Whiteheart lyric?) God is behind this music.

So...what is bothering me, you ask?

So many of these singers and bands I looked up to have fallen. One singer turned himself in for child molestation. Others cheated on their spouses. Still others have turned their backs on God completely. I just joined a Facebook community that has a lot of musicians from some of the Christian bands from the past, and it is disheartening to see how they talk now. It certainly isn't the same song they once sang.

It's so easy to fall. I know, I made major mistakes in my life 20 some years ago too, but God didn't let me get away with it.

So I guess what I'm here today is, don't keep your eyes on any human. They might fall, which could cause your own doubts and you may fall.

Keep your eyes on God and God alone.

That is all.


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